I used to read a lot when I was a kid. I had a lot of books, but in addition, our family went to the library every week or so. 

As a kid growing up in Holland, I had no idea how priviliged I was. For a kid like 12 year old Maria Clara, growing up in a poor area like Povoado de Serrote in Brazil, it is very hard to find books to read. This is why she decided to take matters into her own hands. 

With the help of her grandfather, she asked around for book donations. She was looking for school books, novels and Brazilian classic literature. 

She managed to open her library in an abandoned telephone exchange building. Despite the small size of the library, everything is well organised: all books are categorised and every book loan is registered. Not only does Maria provide the opportunity to people in her area to read more, the library has become a community too.